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Hannah Simmons Dance Company Policy 

Dance school etiquette 

-It is a generally accepted etiquette amongst dance schools that we do not accept pupils who are actively attending another school.

-Unfortunately we also cannot accept students who compete for any other genres of dance; Performing arts, Cheerleading, Ballroom etc. Attending weekly classes recreationally in these styles and taking part in non competitive performances are absolutely fine. 

Payment of fees 

- In order to keep your child’s place payment is required a the start of each half term via bank transfer or cash. However we do want to make our classes accessible to all so if you have any personal requests with this payment set up please let us know. 


- Where we cancel classes for any reason an alternative class will be arranged for your child to attend.  If your child is unable to attend the alternative class, no refund will be given.

-If your child does not attend a lesson for any reason payment will not be refunded. We understand this may sound harsh, however we hope you understand that this is our living and if we don’t have rules like this in place the school would not be possible to run. 

(special circumstances will be taken into consideration)

- If you wish to give up your child’s place at HSDC, you must give one full month’s payment and written notice.


The school’s emails and letters contain confidential and/or privileged information and are intended for only the person to whom it is addressed. Any unauthorised copying, forwarding, disclosure or distribution of the material contained in emails and it’s attachment/s is strictly prohibited. All personal information at the school is kept confidential and will not be discussed or shared by the school with any other parent or student.

Child Protection & Safeguarding

The school has a duty of care to all children in our classes. All our teachers are DBS checked. We insist that students under the age of 12 do not go home without their parent or guardian and will be kept within the classroom with the teacher until collected. Once out of the lesson parents are responsible for their children. Please ensure your children are collected in a timely manner.

Use of Photographic/Filming Equipment

During watch week or at any of our open events, if anyone wishes to photograph or film, they may do so with the permission of the Principal/the teacher present. Please note that on registration, some parents have advised that do not wish their children to be photographed or filmed. If this policy is found to be breached we will ask you to remove all evidence of the photography/filming.

Health and Safety

When registering your child it’s important that we are made aware of any illness or disability that may affect your child during lessons. In the case of minor accidents, first aid will be administered by a qualified first aider and recorded on a accident form.

The use of Social Media

We ask that current students and parents who have access to social media do not contact teaching staff directly on their personal pages. Please contact the School’s email and/or social media page for any questions, tips and advice. Please only share photos/videos of your own children on social media. You should not share any material featuring anyone else’s children unless you are sharing a post/image from the dance schools page.

Dancers’ Code of Conduct

We expect all dancers to:

  • respect all teaching staff. This includes listening when the teacher is speaking, not talking back, not talking during lessons unless asking a question and applying corrections/trying new suggestions positively, without hesitation.

  • treat all other pupils as you would wish to be treated yourself. Support each other, don’t criticise. Encourage your fellow class members and be positive. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated. 

  • Be on time. 

  • Always ask for help if you need it.

  • Consistently try your best.

  • Attend class every week unless with good reason. Regular class attendance is key to improving yourself as a dancer. For every class you miss, you effectively put yourself back a week in terms of training. Over time this can have a big impact on your overall standard.

In class you must:

  • Switch off your phone and keep it in your bag.

  • Wear correct uniform.  

  • Wear your hair up out of the face. A ponytail or bun is acceptable.

  • Remove all jewellery.

  • Bring a small, non-fizzy drink to keep hydrated. This is for Consumption during breaks only.

  • Not chew gum.

COVID 19 Policy

Below is a online copy of the form signed by all parents from September 2020 onwards.


I understand that I must comply with government guidance and follow the  rules below:

-I will not bring my child to dance if they have a temperature of 37.8C or greater.

-I will not bring my child to dance if they have a cough, fever, sore throat, loss of, or change in, sense of small or taste. 

-I will not bring my child to dance if they have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14 days. 

-If there is another lockdown meaning normal classes can not be provided alternative online/outdoor sessions will be provided for the rest of the half term, payments will not be refunded. 

I understand I will not be refunded for the classes effected and that alternative options will be given. 

I declare I will not bring my child to dance if they have any COVID symptoms.

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